Prof. Ceder and his students present their work at the MRS Spring 2022 in Hawaii!

Prof. Ceder and his students present their work on various topics, including the design of lithium-ion conductors for solid-state batteries, new Ca-ion conductors for solid-state batteries, and computational and machine learning approaches for analyzing disordered rocksalt cathode materials, and more.

Day 1:

Peichen Zhong explaining the motivation for investigating disordered rock-salt cathodes, part of his presentation in the Data Science symposium on computational and machine learning approaches for understanding disordered rock-salt materials.


Day 2:

Zijian Cai at his poster, which won Best Poster Award in the section EN05: Emerging Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, on realizing continuous disorder between spinel disordered rock-salt cathodes.


Day 3:

Tanjin He presenting his work on machine learning the similarity of materials from scientific literature to recommend synthesis methods for inorganic compounds in the Data Science symposium.


Day 4:

Nathan Szymanski presenting his work in the Data Science symposium on data-driven decision making for automating materials synthesis to recommend synthesis temperatures and precursors for YBCO.


Kyujung Jun presenting his work on identifying high Li-conductivity materials with corner-sharing frameworks to find fast oxide lithium-ion conductors in the Energy and Sustainability symposium.


Tina Chen explaining her work on understanding the effects of disorder on the thermodynamics and voltage profile of LiMn2O4 spinel in a poster session for the Energy and Sustainability symposium.


Day 5:

Yingzhi Sun describing his work to the audience of the Energy and Sustainability symposium on a novel superionic conductor obtained by pseudo-halogen substitution in an argyrodite and the mechanisms behind its superionic properties.


Yu Chen introducing her discovery of a new solid-state calcium-ion conductor and its unique “vacancy-adjacent” migration mechanism to the Energy and Sustainability symposium in the solid-state batteries section.


The Ceder and Persson group at the Plumeria Beach House for a joint dinner.


Prof. Ceder toasting to the Ceder and Persson groups on the great scientific discussion that has come from the MRS Spring 2022 meeting.


Day 6:

Zheren Wang motivates the need for a codified dataset of synthesis recipes in his talk on a codified dataset of solution-baed inorganic materials synthesis recipes for data-driven synthesis in the Data Science symposium.


Kevin Cruse explains his work on using data from text-mined materials synthesis conditions to create visualizations and machine-learned representations to help inform and guide experimental syntheses in the Data Science symposium.


Select presentation slide decks are available in the Presentations page.

Photography by Peichen Zhong, Tanjin He, and Yu Chen.