Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan and Daniil Kitchaev receive MIT student awards

Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan was recently awarded the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award by the MIT Department Committee on Graduate Studies for his thesis, “Thermodynamics and kinetics of Mg intercalation into oxide lattices for multivalent cathode applications”. Sai has been studying multivalent cathodes for four years with the Ceder group and defended last April.

Daniil Kitchaev was awarded the Graduate Student Teaching Award in Teaching a Graduate Subject by the MIT Department Committee on Graduate Studies. HeĀ received this award for exceptional teaching of the graduate course 3.20 Materials at Equilibrium.

The awards will be presented on Friday, June 9, 2017, at the Departmental Commencement Luncheon and Awards Ceremony for DMSE.