Nature article features CovidScholar as a novel tool using language processing for finding Covid-19 research

Nature recently published a Technology Feature highlighting CovidScholar, a tool built as a collaborative effort between the Ceder and Persson groups that uses natural language processing to help biomedical researchers and clinicians find the Covid-19 papers that they need. The article describes CovidScholar as a simple search box for Covid-19 research that uses AI to add tag papers in the results with relevant keywords and topic labels. The article also cites a recently published paper in RNA that utilized CovidScholar, quoting the paper’s author, “This is definitely the best literature-search tool I’ve ever used”. Read the full article here: “Artificial intelligence tools aim to tame the coronavirus literature”.


In addition to CovidScholar, the article also features other newly developed tools, such as Google’s COVID-19 Research Explorer and Allen Institute for AI’s SPIKE-CORD.